Title: Gravity data and drilling data of the Aare valley
Description: This dataset contains the gravity data measured at stations located in the Aare valley. The data used to calculate the Bouguer anomaly and the residual anomaly is also included, as well as drilling information used to model the gravity data.
Data Availability: 
Contact: Bandou, Dimitri Tibo  
Contributor(s): Bandou, Dimitri Tibo  
Marti, Urs 
Pfander, Jonathan 
Schlunegger, Fritz 
Kissling, Edi 
DOI: https://doi.org/10.48620/351
Organization(s): Institute of Geological Sciences 
Federal Office of Topography swisstopo 
Institute of Geological Sciences (GEO) - Exogene Geology Group 
ETH Zurich 
Language(s): en
Keyword(s): Gravity data, overdeepenings, drillings, Bouguer anomaly, residual anomaly
Rights: CC-BY
Appears in Collections:Research Data

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